In a post last year entitled "North Of The Border: Reorganization Under Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act," I discussed the various types of bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings available under Canadian law. Included in the discussion was the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, known as the CCAA, used by many Canadian companies to reorganize. At that
Chapter 15
Amendments To The Federal Bankruptcy Rules Take Effect December 1, 2008
Nearly every year, changes are made to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure — the ones that govern how bankruptcy cases are managed — to address issues identified by an Advisory Committee made up of federal judges, bankruptcy attorneys, and others. This year’s amendments to the national bankruptcy rules take effect on December 1, 2008.
Business Bankruptcy …
North Of The Border: Reorganization Under Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
With the enormous amount of business between the United States and Canada these days, it’s little wonder that from time to time U.S. companies find themselves affected by a Canadian insolvency proceeding. A better understanding of Canada’s approach to bankruptcy and insolvency law can be helpful when sizing up how such a filing might affect…
The Terrible Twos? A Look At BAPCPA’s Impact On Business Bankruptcy Cases At Its Second Anniversary
Tomorrow, October 17, 2007, marks the second anniversary of the effective date of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, known as BAPCPA. BAPCPA was enacted primarily to make sweeping changes to the consumer provisions of the Bankruptcy Code. However, BAPCPA also made significant revisions in the business bankruptcy arena. When it…
New Developments In The Cayman Islands Hedge Fund Chapter 15 Case
In a post earlier this month, I reported on the August 30, 2007 decision by Judge Burton R. Lifland of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York denying Chapter 15 recognition to foreign proceedings pending in the Cayman Islands for two Bear Stearns hedge funds. In the August decision (available…
Lack Of Recognition: New Case Shows That Chapter 15 International Bankruptcy Protection Isn’t Automatic
On August 30, 2007, in twin decisions in recent cases involving two Bear Stearns hedge funds (available here and here), Judge Burton R. Lifland of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York made clear that recognizing a foreign insolvency proceeding in a Chapter 15 cross-border bankruptcy case is not to…
English Translation Of China’s New Enterprise Bankruptcy Law Is Now Available
On June 1, 2007, China’s new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law took effect. Years in the drafting, it represents a major change from the prior law. If implemented consistently throughout China, the new law may give foreign creditors more protection than they have received in the past.
Covering twelve chapters and 136 articles, the new law is designed to create…
Chapter 15: The Bankruptcy Code’s New Cross-Border Insolvency Rules
Chris Laughton, a UK insolvency practitioner and publisher of, has a number of recent posts on the adoption in the UK of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (“Model Law”), a 1997 effort by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”). That got me thinking that I should post something on the recent…