Business Bankruptcy Issues

Showing: 155 - 161 of 163 Articles

Texas District Court Holds Part Of New Bankruptcy Law Unconstitutional

In a decision on Wednesday, July 26, 2006, the United States District Court in Dallas ruled that a portion of the new bankruptcy law, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (also known as BAPCPA), unconstitutionally restricts attorneys when they provide legal advice to their clients. 

These provisions were part of BAPCPA’s focus on consumers and the restrictions were aimed at preventing attorneys — who are apparently included within the term "debt relief agency" under BAPCPA — from advising individuals, among other things, to take on more debt if they are contemplating bankruptcy.  The court also held that other related provisions were constitutional, specifically one requiring disclosure of certain specific information to individuals who are considering filing for bankruptcy.

While the decision does not affect businesses directly, it’s important to know when a court holds part of the bankruptcy law unconstitutional.  For those interested in learning more about the decision and the consumer-related provisions involved, I recommend that you read David Rosendorf’s excellent post on the American Bankruptcy Institute’s BAPCPA blog and Steve Jakubowski’s equally informative post on his Bankruptcy Litigation blog.

Claims Against Individuals In Bankruptcy: Is Every Debt Discharged?

Usually, businesses have claims against other businesses.  Still, you may occasionally have a claim against an individual and it’s good to know what can happen in that situation. 

The "no asset" case. Unfortunately, most individuals who file bankruptcy, especially those who file the more common Chapter 7 liquidation case, do not have any significant assets that can be sold to pay creditors.  What’s more, the assets they do have — such as IRAs, 401(k) accounts, etc. — are usually exempt from creditors’ claims.  Cases in which no non-exempt assets are available to pay creditors are known as "no asset" cases.  (Bankruptcy lawyers love imaginative names.)  In a no asset case, the bankruptcy court’s notice will actually instruct you not to file a proof of claim unless later notified to do so. 

The "asset" case.  Sometimes there are enough non-exempt assets to produce at least some distribution to unsecured creditors.  While not very common in Chapter 7 cases, it could be that the individual has filed a Chapter 13 "wage-earner" case or a Chapter 11 personal reorganization case and expects to pay creditors some amount over time.  If so, a claims filing deadline known as a "bar date" will be set.  If you file a proof of claim form by the bar date, you may eventually receive a check, although typically this will be months or even years after the bankruptcy was filed.  In most cases involving individuals, the distribution to unsecured creditors is painfully small.

The bankruptcy discharge. In general, when individuals file bankruptcy, they will get discharged, or excused, from their pre-filing debts.  This is especially true in Chapter 7 and 11 cases and also in Chapter 13 cases if the individual debtor makes all of the payments required under his or her plan.  The discharge is part of what is often referred to as the "fresh start" that bankruptcy offers. 

Nondischargeable debts. Although recent changes to the bankruptcy laws have made it harder for individuals to file bankruptcy and get a discharge, many people are still able to do so.  That said, the law does call out certain kinds of debts and makes them "nondischargeable," meaning that they can be excluded from the scope of the bankruptcy discharge. These include debts arising from the debtor’s fraud or other intentional bad acts, including when he or she obtained credit, and also to obligations for alimony, child support, student loans, and many taxes.  (So it’s clear, the concept of a debt being nondischargeable applies only to individuals, not to corporations or other business entities.) 


Chapter 11 Cases: Using The Internet To Keep Track Of Case Developments

A fairly recent phenomenon, especially in large Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, is the special website designed to help creditors and others keep track of developments in a particular reorganization case.  Among active cases right now, for example, you can follow the latest activity in the Delphi Chapter 11 case, the Refco bankruptcy, and the Delta Airlines case.  These websites generally have information about the attorneys representing the company and the creditors’ committee, an electronic docket of pleadings filed in the case, access to a proof of claim form, and announcements about major events in the case.  

Many companies in Chapter 11 reserve a section of their corporate website for updates on their reorganization efforts, and they often make pleadings and other documents available there.  Adelphia is just one example.

Regardless of whether a special website has been created, you or your attorney can also obtain access to the pleadings and other documents filed in a Chapter 11 case (and any other type of bankruptcy case) through the relevant bankruptcy court’s PACER system.  Another system, called Case Management/Electronic Case Files or CM/ECF, typically is open only to attorneys and other bankruptcy professionals with a need to file pleadings in a bankruptcy case.  Both services require pre-registration and payment of downloading or other fees where applicable.

Executory Contracts — What Are They And Why Do They Matter In Bankruptcy?

If you start talking to a bankruptcy lawyer, before long you’ll probably hear them use the term “executory contract.” Often they’ll act as though people use the term everyday.  The truth is that bankruptcy lawyers are just about the only lawyers – much less business people — who ever talk about executory contracts.  (I confess I do it too, but there’s a really good reason.)

So what is an executory contract? The concept is fairly simple. It’s a contract between a debtor and another party under which both sides still have important performance remaining.  Put another way, if either side stopped performing the contract it would be an actual breach of contract. 

Examples of executory contracts (and some common reasons why they might be executory) include:

  • Real estate leases (tenant has to pay rent/landlord has to provide space)
  • Equipment leases (lessee has to pay rent/lessor has to provide equipment)
  • Development contracts (development work required/payment required on milestones), and
  • Licenses to intellectual property (licensee can use only within scope of license/licensor must refrain from suing for licensed uses).

Having cleared up the definition, the next question is why executory contracts seem to matter so much in bankruptcy.  (The debtor even has to list them separately in its bankruptcy schedules.)


Automatic Stay Of Bankruptcy

One of the most fundamental protections for companies or individuals filing for bankruptcy is the automatic stay.  In fact, when someone says a company has sought "bankruptcy protection" they usually are referring to the "protection" of the automatic stay.  The automatic stay arises the instant a bankruptcy petition is filed.  It doesn’t matter whether the petition is a voluntary one filed by the company itself or an involuntary one filed by creditors seeking to force the company into bankruptcy. 

The automatic stay operates as a stay — really a statutory injunction — against almost all collection actions by creditors against a debtor and its property based on debts existing before the bankruptcy petition was filed.  It is called the automatic stay because this stay arises automatically when the petition is filed without the need for any court order.  Among the actions stayed are:

  • Lawsuits 
  • Repossessions of assets
  • Foreclosure sales
  • Collection calls and notices, and
  • The making of setoffs.

Creditors should make every effort to avoid a violation of the automatic stay.  Violating the automatic stay is serious business (even when the government does it).  This is especially true if the debtor is an individual.  Not only are actions in violation of the stay generally held to be void, but in some cases creditors can expose themselves to a claim for damages or even punitive damages.  

Creditors can ask the bankruptcy court for relief from the automatic stay, for example to allow a lawsuit to continue or a foreclosure sale to take place.  While such "relief from stay" is occasionally granted, more often the request is denied to give the debtor more breathing room to reorganize its business.  In any event, seek assistance from a bankruptcy attorney if you have questions about or need relief from the automatic stay.

Buying Assets From An Insolvent Company — Balancing Risk And Reward

Insolvent or nearly insolvent companies can present an attractive opportunity to purchase assets on the cheap, or at least at a significantly reduced cost.  Of course, a buyer purchasing assets from a troubled company wants to be as sure as possible that it is buying only the target’s assets – and not also taking on all of the troubled company’s liabilities. This kind of specialized M&A deal raises issues that usually don’t come up when acquiring a solvent company and that aren’t always obvious at first. 

Several different strategies exist for balancing these risks with the potentially substantial rewards of a distressed asset acquisition.  Here is an overview of these issues.  A more extensive discussion focusing in particular on intellectual property assets, written by Cooley Godward intellectual property partner Gary Moore, can be found here.