Chapter 11 Cases: Using The Internet To Keep Track Of Case Developments

A fairly recent phenomenon, especially in large Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, is the special website designed to help creditors and others keep track of developments in a particular reorganization case.  Among active cases right now, for example, you can follow the latest activity in the Delphi Chapter 11 case, the Refco bankruptcy, and the Delta Airlines case.  These websites generally have information about the attorneys representing the company and the creditors’ committee, an electronic docket of pleadings filed in the case, access to a proof of claim form, and announcements about major events in the case.  

Many companies in Chapter 11 reserve a section of their corporate website for updates on their reorganization efforts, and they often make pleadings and other documents available there.  Adelphia is just one example.

Regardless of whether a special website has been created, you or your attorney can also obtain access to the pleadings and other documents filed in a Chapter 11 case (and any other type of bankruptcy case) through the relevant bankruptcy court’s PACER system.  Another system, called Case Management/Electronic Case Files or CM/ECF, typically is open only to attorneys and other bankruptcy professionals with a need to file pleadings in a bankruptcy case.  Both services require pre-registration and payment of downloading or other fees where applicable.

Photo of Bob Eisenbach Bob Eisenbach

Recognized as one of Northern California’s Super Lawyers®, Bob focuses his practice on restructuring, bankruptcy, distressed M&A, and related litigation. He is regularly involved in cases throughout the country, including California, Delaware, and New York.